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Environmental philosophy

Working towards a better, cleaner world.

A small plant in the soil

Environmental, Social Responsibility and Corporate Governance Policy

Our clients place a high degree of trust in us as their advisor, 在代表他们进行澳门黄金城赌城活动时,我们的信托义务仍然是最重要的. As an investment management firm, our primary duty is to act as a fiduciary and in our clients’ best interests. For us, 这意味着在与我们的澳门黄金城赌城者商定的参数范围内最大化澳门黄金城赌城回报:他们的广泛战略目标, risk tolerances, investment constraints, applicable laws and other relevant considerations.


LaSalle’s Environmental, 社会责任和企业管治政策包括我们的可持续发展框架, which is underpinned by an approach to investment management that seeks to protect and, where applicable, 通过专注于“增值价值驱动因素”和强化每项澳门黄金城赌城的“防御性价值保护因素”,为客户增加价值. The policy covers:

• Governance and our business
• Our social responsibilities

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Asia Pacific

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Climate Action Plan and NZC Commitments


ULI Greenpoint Net Zero Carbon x 2050


Global Partner Solutions


All investment decisions are made utilizing a robust, three-level due diligence process that includes drilling to an investment’s ESG policies, philosophy and measurement, ensuring GRESB participation and checking against a list of restrictions.

Every quarter, the team provides a detailed ESG update in all client reports, highlighting our engagement, governance and voting, 尽职调查程序和GRESB结果,以及LaSalle GPS未来趋势调查(e.g. climate, fire, and flood risks).

Global Securities

LaSalle’s Global Securities team are actively engaged with the investments they make, 与企业合作,识别对其业务有重大影响的ESG风险和机遇, 有效管理企业的ESG风险,加强企业对ESG政策和绩效的披露. 我们相信,这些行动将加强行业在ESG问题上的最佳实践,并不断提高对ESG原则的期望和整合水平.

ESG因素被纳入团队的澳门黄金城赌城过程,因为我们相信,强大的ESG整合可以带来更高的收益, more resilient business models, and more sustained long-term growth.


Industry leadership in energy efficiency

LaSalle is proud to be recognized as a 2022 ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year. 我们了解在我们的产品组合中减少能源消耗对环境绩效的直接影响.

Health and wellness


Sustainability certifications

We have achieved over 70 sustainability certifications such as ENERGY STAR, Green Globes, BOMA BEST and LEED in our Americas portfolio.


The UK Stewardship Code

LaSalle is a signatory of the UK Stewardship Code. 该准则为那些代表英国储户和养老金领取者进行澳门黄金城赌城的人,以及那些支持他们的人,设定了很高的管理标准, including many of our clients. Approved signatories of the code must demonstrate the responsible allocation, 管理和监督资本,为客户和受益人创造长期价值,从而为环境带来可持续效益, society and the economy.

Better Buildings Partnership

As an active member of the UK Better Buildings Partnership (BBP), 我们正与同行合作,引领商业业界提升现有建筑物的可持续性. We signed the BBP Climate Change Commitment in September 2019, which has set us on a path to reach net zero carbon (NZC) by 2050. We are taking urgent, 采取集体行动,应对气候变化的挑战,并解决其对客户澳门黄金城赌城组合构成的风险.

Net Zero Carbon Pathway

我们的净零碳(NZC)途径阐述了我们如何在2050年之前在欧洲澳门黄金城赌城组合中实现NZC的目标. 这一挑战要求我们作为房地产澳门黄金城赌城经理,从整体上看待我们的活动,并在资产生命周期的各个阶段解决碳问题. 这一策略现已融入我们的工作方式,并从澳门黄金城赌城策略开始. As we seek to expand this program globally, we will publish annual updates to the pathway, inline with the Better Buildings Partnership Climate Change Commitment, with the aim of driving the industry towards NZC.

Loi Energie Climat report

This report addresses the reporting requirements of the Loi Energie Climat in France. 它概述了我们在法国业务中应用的一般方法,以考虑我们治理结构中的ESG质量标准. It also covers the ESG engagement strategy of LaSalle France and its implementation.

Asia Pacific

New assets and older buildings

LaSalle致力于为我们的每一项资产量身定制运营可持续性解决方案,因为我们相信,更可持续的资产将带来更高的澳门黄金城赌城回报. 这意味着我们不断努力提高现有资产的可持续性,同时确保新资产达到高标准.

Sustainability certifications

我们澳门黄金城赌城于在整个地区寻求高可持续性评级的新开发资产, such as DBJ, CASBEE和NABERS的合作,以提高这些资产的环保资质和澳门黄金城赌城绩效.


我们是首批遵守新ANREV可持续发展报告指南的澳门黄金城赌城管理公司之一, 这表明我们致力于提高ESG工作的可见度和洞察力.

Insights and case studies

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Sustainability news