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Research, Sustainability


  • Report Summary物理气候风险数据可以成为管理资产和澳门黄金城赌城组合风险和回报的有力工具. 了解领先的公司正在使用什么策略来管理物理气候风险和应对市场挑战. 城市土地研究所(Urban L和 Institute)和LaSalle Investment Management的最新报告建立在之前报告的基础上, 如何选择, 使用, 和 Better Underst和 Climate Risk Analytics, 描述领先公司如何在承保实践中利用物理气候风险数据. 随着对资产和澳门黄金城赌城组合层面风险的洞察变得越来越容易获得, 新的挑战在于有效地解释和整合信息到澳门黄金城赌城实践中. Relying on research 和 interviews with industry leaders, this report provides a nuanced exploration of this emergent issue.

    资产和澳门黄金城赌城组合中的自然气候风险和承保实践 is structured into three sections, 每一个都针对行业应对气候风险数据的不同方面:

    第一节. Explore the current state of the industry, finding that:

    • Leading firms actively coach their teams on physical risk.
    • Regulatory trends affect, but do not motivate physical risk assessment.
    • Different geographies approach physical with their own level of urgency.

    第二节. Examines the application of climate data in decision making. Key findings include:

    • Aggregate physical risk is a screening tool; individual hazard risk is actionable information.
    • Climate value at risk remains opaque; the utility of the single number offers value but needs increased transparency.
    • Atypical hazard risk (e.g., flood in a desert) merits increased attention.
    • External consultants can frequently fill skill gaps, especially for firms with less in-house expertise.
    •虽然没有主要的时间框架或代表性浓度路径(RCP)作为行业标准出现, 2030年和2050年的基准是最常被提及的时间范围.

    第三节. Assess the impact of physical climate risk on acquisition, 承销, 和 disposition practices; finding that:

    • Leading firms start with a top-down assessment of physical risk.
    •估计物理风险的退出上限率折扣是一种越来越常用的工具, frequently 25 to 50 basis points.

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